
Welcome to the future home of the Resources section.

Here, we will publish original articles that will give you the tools you need to get your research published in English.

If you find yourself asking ”How do I … (fill in the blank) in English?”, this is the page you will want to visit. We will have answers.

The topics will encompass many subjects, including how to choose an appropriate journal, composing letters to editors, responding to unfair reviewer comments, structuring manuscripts and common grammatical mistakes.

Our team has vast experience, and we want to share our knowledge with you.

In addition, we are inviting international experts and professors from various fields to contribute to this section by writing guest blogs that will help demystify the publishing process and provide additional points of view on various topics.

Our team at Falcon Scientific Editing is excited about the upcoming launch of this section.

Please follow our social media accounts ( LinkedIn , Twitter , Facebook and Google+ ) to receive updated information on this page.

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Academic Editing | Thesis Editing | Editing Certificate | Resources