Thesis Editing and Proofreading Services

Thesis Editing and Thesis Proofreading Services

  • Have you finally written your thesis but have no time or energy left to edit it?
  • Are you a non-native English speaker, but your thesis must be written in academic English for its international distribution or because you are attending an international university in an English-speaking country?

  • Are you a working student or an active researcher enrolled in a PhD degree or Master’s degree program who lacks time to edit your thesis?
  • Is your supervisor unreachable or too busy to help you edit your thesis? Do you need someone qualified to help you with professional and academic revision of your thesis chapters?
  • Have you read your thesis so many times that you don’t know how to further improve it?

Here is the solution – we can edit your Master’s or PhD thesis for you!

Thesis Editing and Thesis Proofreading Services

We offer professional PhD editing for theses in all academic disciplines:

Physical and Life Sciences,

Formal Sciences (Theory, Mathematics, Computer Science),

Social Sciences,



Applied Sciences (Engineering, Health Care, Medicine)

And many more ( Contact us to find out if we have editors in your discipline)

What is a Master’s Thesis?

If you are enrolled in a Master’s program, you may have already written a form of a thesis for your Bachelor’s degree (for certain Honor’s programs); however, this is probably the first time you must write an exhaustive and professional research report (called a thesis).

You will want to impress your committee members with your English and technical language proficiency. And, your graduation from your Master’s program may hinge on fulfillment of a thesis project, which results in a written thesis and an oral thesis defense. When you are in a Master’s program, you are not a young student anymore, and the committee members will expect a professional style when they read your thesis.

Contributions from your academic supervisor will not be enough. He or she will probably be overwhelmed with a huge amount of other research projects, exams, classes, conferences, manuscripts to write, etc.

Thus, you will need thesis help from someone with proper expertise to edit and revise your thesis!

Thesis Editing and Thesis Proofreading Services

Why Having Your Thesis Edited is Important

  • You have finally concluded your research project. All the hard work, the efforts of the past months or years, and the huge amount of collected data have brought you here–the final step for successfully completing your Master’s journey is a perfect thesis. Your thesis is the most important piece of the puzzle. Despite the unassailable results you could have found during your novel study, the value of your research and the success of your final defense will depend on how you present it in your thesis. You do not want to deal with unnecessary issues with your Master’s committee due to avoidable editing mistakes.
  • In some countries, academic theses become public and are generally uploaded on institutional portals that are available on the internet. Students, scholars, professors, and researchers may read you thesis during their bibliographic research, and you want to make a good impression on them. They may even cite your thesis!
  • Publication of your Master’s thesis will strongly enrich your resume. However, bad publicity is NOT good publicity in the scientific research field; publishing your work in bad quality and with poor English grammar and style can lead to a bad reputation.

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  • Scientific research is a perfect example of globalization: scholars from every corner of the world work together, and you must be able to efficiently convey your results to the international scientific community. However, writing in academic English when it is your second language can be significantly challenging, and the support of an experienced native English speaker could make a huge difference in how your thesis is received by the international research community.
  • Even if you are native English speaker, grammatical mistakes can creep into your writing that can be easily removed if you entrust your thesis with our editing team.
  • You have been working day and night for months on your thesis, and now it may be difficult for you to see your own errors. You may have read and rewritten your thesis chapters or paragraphs many times, and of course, you perfectly know what you want to say; however, this may prevent you from noticing small, insidious errors. Editing by our Ph.D. professional editors could literally save you from making grammatical or technical errors that could harm your image in the eyes of your committee.

It is not simply a matter of graduating and gaining your academic title: your thesis will be your business card for the coming years. It must be perfect from all points of view.

You have already spent almost all of your energy on your research project. Time is running out, and soon you will have to defend your thesis. In the meantime, you have other important aspects to worry about: preparing your oral presentation, working on bureaucratic aspects with your university (these are never fun), presenting at conferences, searching for a job, etc.

This is why you need Falcon Scientific Editing to professionally edit your thesis!

Thesis Editing and Thesis Proofreading Services

What We Offer with Our Professional Editing Service:

✔ Editing of your entire thesis or selected chapters as needed (our price based on word count, not including references or numbers in tables)

✔ English language correction (English proofreading/copy editing): grammar, spelling, syntax, word choice, phrasing, diction, punctuation, typos, etc.

✔ Useful comments regarding style, clarity, and inconsistencies to help you improve your own editing and writing skills

✔ Corrections/suggestions regarding the technical terminology in your thesis

✔ Comments regarding inconsistencies in data presentation and graphic illustrations (figures). We can also provide academic illustration services and formatting (splitting up of figures, combining figures, etc.) of your graphics for additional fees.

✔ Tracking of all changes in MS Word so you can clearly see what edits were performed and choose to accept or refuse them in your final version

✔ A FREE English editing certificate with every editing order (upon request) to show your committee

Additional Advantages of Our Service:

✔ Personal assistance, communication, and support during the entire editing process of your thesis by a dedicated customer support representative at Falcon Scientific Editing

✔ Fast turnaround ( see price list for details ) and delivery on time every time is guaranteed

✔ Unlimited answers to your questions regarding our edits and one additional grammar check (for specific sentences that you are unsure of) if required after you make changes after our edit

✔ Strict privacy policies to protect the intellectual property of your thesis, as guaranteed by the Non-Disclosure Agreement that is signed by all of our editors

Who Will Edit Your Thesis at Falcon Scientific Editing?

Falcon Scientific Editing has a team of internal and external highly experienced and native English-speaking professional editors. All of our editors have PhD degrees from high-level international universities from primarily the US and UK. Our editors have all passed through the thesis/dissertation writing process in graduate school, and most have edited theses before with our company.

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Our contract editors have been trained by our Managing Editors to meet the highest quality standards in English grammar according to our rigorous English editing standards.

After your thesis is edited by one of our contract editors who has expertise in your field of study, your thesis will be further revised by an experienced native-English speaking Quality Assurance Editor, who also has PhD degree in a science discipline either in your field or close to your field.

Both the Professional Editor and the Quality Assurance Editor assigned to your thesis will be selected according to their expertise in your field of study. This double revision process will offer you an error-free and professionally edited thesis.

Now you can entrust your thesis with us and take a break! Submit your thesis now via our Free secure online login system to start the editing process!

Thesis Editing and Thesis Proofreading Services

This will make you more productive and efficient as you finish up your degree!

We wish you luck as you near graduation!

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Useful Links

Academic Editing | Thesis Editing | Editing Certificate | Resources